Top 5 hacks to Improve Cognitive Performance

Cognitive health is an important aspect of every person’s overall well-being. As we age minor changes in our cognitive abilities are normal. Most of us often face forgetfulness or slower information processing. However, it has been found out that 10% – 20% of aged and older face mild cognitive impairment. (Source- National Institute of Health

The importance to improve cognitive performance cannot be underestimated because cognitive health influences our thoughts, emotions and actions. When our cognitive health is proper at that time we are able to think clearly, solve problems more efficiently and maintain strong emotional health.

As compared to physical health, our cognitive health can also be affected by other factors like stress, lack of sleep and poor simulation. Therefore, it is important to take proactive steps to cure cognitive health and maintain it.

In the following section of this blog we will go through some of the practical and effective hacks to improve cognitive performance. These strategies are specially designed for you to enhance your brain’s performance, memory and maintain your cognitive abilities as you age.

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Top 5 Effective hacks to Improve cognitive performance issues

Here is the list of the top 5 hacks that will improve the cognitive performance of your brain:

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

You should put your complete focus on maintaining a complete healthy lifestyle and this is how you can do it:

(i) Diet

A balanced diet works best for your brain health and you can consider adding some of the following items in your diet:

  • Plant Based Foods- Try adding plant-based food like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds in your diet because these foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and will support your brain function.
  • Omega-3 Fatty acids- Omega 3 is essential for your brain cell structure and function so think of including sources of omega 3 like fatty fish, flax seeds and walnuts in your diet. (Improve Cognitive Performance)

(ii) Daily exercises

You should at least try prioritizing physical activities in your lifestyle because it increases the blood flow of the brain by delivering oxygen and minerals to your brain. You can do exercises like walking, jogging, swimming and dancing for at least 150 minutes per week.

(iii)  Give importance to sleep

Target for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night because it would help your brain to gather memories, process information and repair itself.

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2.  Accept new experiences 

For improving your cognitive performance, you should try new things such as playing jigsaw puzzles and brain training games with learning new skills to stimulate your mind.

(i) Jigsaw Puzzles

Whether you are solving a 1000-piece image of the eiffel tower or a smaller puzzle, working on these puzzles engages you with multiple cognitive abilities.

  • Benefit – Solving puzzles gives boost to the visuospatial cognitive aging because it requires you to analyze different pieces and fit them into a larger picture by challenging your brain.

(ii) Increasing vocabulary

Increasing your vocabulary is not just smart for you but it can also exercise your brain in one way or another.

  • Benefit- The vocabulary tasks activate your brain area which are crucial for visual and auditory processing.

3.  Challenge your brain

For maintaining your cognitive health, you should challenge your brain regularly, and how to do so? Well, you can engage yourself in activities that stimulate your mind through learning new musical instruments, trying new tasks or even exploring creative hobbies. The practices have various advantages like:

  •  Enhance your focus
  • Increase your concentration
  • Promotes emotional intelligence

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice which encourages you to slow down your racing thoughts, letting go of the negativity and calms both your mind and body. Mindfulness meditation usually involves deep breathing exercises.

To start with mindfulness meditation, you should find a quiet and comfortable place with a clean mind and focus on your breath. By doing this practice our goal is not to stop your thoughts but we want you to become the “witness” to them. Doing this type of practice will increase focus, memory and the overall cognitive function. (Improve Cognitive Performance)

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5.  Reorganize your thought process

Changing your thought process involves strategies that will have an impact on your cognitive control and creativity. The way you talk with yourself affects your behavior with others. Positive self-talk has the power to keep you up whereas negative self-talk can bring you down. To change the way your brain thinks you should recognize common negative thinking patterns like:

  • Filtering
  • Polarized Thinking
  • Overgeneralization


To improve your cognitive health, you must try all the hacks that are mentioned above because they are effective to every age group that is facing the cognitive health issues.

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