What are the Effective Options to Cure Severe Depression?

What is depression?

Depression is a serious mental issue where an individual loses all the positive feelings and loses interest in every other thing they used to love, be it any hobby or a favorite food.  However, Depression involves constant and persistent symptoms that just keep coming back in the healing process. People suffering from depression have a hard time analyzing and processing about their environment and feel numbness in their thoughts, they have a negative outlook of the world , of themselves and do not consider themselves worthy of living a happy peaceful life. 

 And additionally apart from these symptoms, Depression also affects an individual emotionally. The person considers themselves  like a burden to society, their friends and family. The person becomes more anxious and gets irritated easily. Their Cognitive functions also get impacted like concentrating in tasks, or decision making etc Physically it might appear change in weight, dullness, and sleeping issues or Fatigue. 

Depression can be caused by the  mix of genetics, life experiences, any trauma and other factors. But Depression is not just limited to sadness and hobbies but also it can be life threatening if not treated well.

Why is depression- a mental health concern?

Depression is a serious mental-health issue because it affects a person’s emotional state of mind, feelings and daily behavior. Depression is not just about being sad, it’s about a person’s perspective changing from optimistic to pessimistic due to any trauma or life experiences. It changes the whole personality of a person, a bubbly extrovert is now extremely locking themselves into a room, avoiding friends and Family, Not talking and after a whole transformation, now they do not seem as their own selves, that they were before. Depression may impact concentration, decision-making, and memory or even change in  behavior by withdrawal from social life or other duties. These are some disturbances which might occur to the people suffering from depression. 

Why Depression is Often Underestimated and Misunderstood?

Depression often doesn’t get the credit it deserves because, on other occasions, it might not be out in the open, and one would really have to observe assiduously. People could think it’s just about feeling a little down or a glitch in mood, rather seriously wrong. Telling someone to “just cheer up” is like suggesting to a flu patient, “get better already”, this doesn’t work.

We need to look at mental health in the same light as physical health, treating it in the same way as we would a broken bone. It does seem, at times, that society plays down the gravity of depression as one of the normal parts of life, rather than a serious disorder. This can result in the ignoring of symptoms, or there can be a sense of shame in reaching out for help. Later treatment and, therefore, the process of recovery is prolonged when depression is seen just as stress or weakness.

So now let us focus on the main part which is how we can cure severe depression:

So healing from depression can be a roller coaster ride with a lot of ups and downs, depression is not normal and yes it has to be treated well in order to get out from those traumatic experiences. Depression can take the best part of lives from you, and constant breakdowns, numbness, you start feeling absolutely nothing, anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts and many more. So now here what we can do to cure depression

1. Understanding the root cause: Depression can only be cured after you let go, the trauma from your head. And sometimes it may happen that you do not seem to get the real issue for your depression, but trust the process, understand yourself and analyze the problem.

2. Get therapy sessions: Yes this might be new for people suffering from depression as they do not like much attention, but yes sometimes it is needed to vent out the experiences you have had during the time of depression and then eventually you will open up and feel free.

3. Make changes in your lifestyle: This is also some tough task for individuals suffering from depression, but this has been the most important and efficient part you will have to improve in order to give farewell to your depression. Eat nice balanced food, try Exercising, or maybe dance, Talk to your friends and family. 

4. Be busy: This might seem odd and unnatural but honestly this also works wonders after some time. In the initial time you will find it difficult to understand the pattern, but when you’re busy you think less, and that helps a lot.

Here are some of the methods other than these ways which can help you Cure depression:

1.Meditation and yoga: Meditation is powerful, keep your eyes closed and do not think about anything for some minutes and you will feel nice from within. So does yoga, it also helps in relaxing muscles and mind for a better positive outlook.

2.Hospital care: In the most serious conditions of depression, the patient must be so bad that they are hospitalized to get intensive care for safety and proper treatment.

3.Medication: Medication at first is really not necessary, but if the person finds it difficult to stay fine during the time it might be needed to take supplements which can help boost energy.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Some of the commonly prescribed ones work to increase the levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter related to mood. Examples are:

So here are some of the medicines which might be helpful in healing severe depression.

1.Fluoxetine (Prozac)

2.Sertraline (Zoloft) (Buy Sertraline 100mg Onlnie)

3.Escitalopram (Lexapro) (order escitalopram 20mg online)

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs): This Type  of medications boosts the levels of serotonin and another neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. Examples include:

1.Venlafaxine (Effexor)

2.Duloxetine (Cymbalta)

Atypical Antidepressants: These don’t fit into any of the other categories and affect serotonin besides a number of other neurotransmitters. Examples are:

1.Bupropion (Wellbutrin): It is a known and commonly prescribed drug, usually for its stimulating effects.

2.Mirtazapine (Remeron): It is useful for resolving sleep issues.


The reason why depression tends to be normalized or underappreciated is due to cultural ability to understand. When a person expresses their feelings, grief is termed as weak, especially a Man, the issue starts here. When a person is not even allowed to feel that way due to the disapproval from the society. People suffering from depression and their issues when labeled as a phase or personal issue instead of a serious mental health concern. This speaks about the understanding capability of the society. Or when a person becomes distant from their own family members, people make no effort to know about the issue and instead blame the person for their behavior. Therefore, such normalization can lead to  minimization of symptoms and stigmatization of help-seeking. On the other hand, depression is a very complex, highly effective, and satisfactorily treatable disorder.typically SSRIs or SNRIs, and psychotherapy that empowers the patient with skills in correcting negative thought patterns and improving emotional regulation strategies. Besides, lifestyle changes like regular exercise, wholesome nutrition, and sufficient sleep are potent adjuncts for general well-being. More severe cases may necessitate hospitalization or advanced treatments, which may involve something along the lines of ketamine.

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