What are some top exercises for Liver Health

Liver ailments account for approximately 2 million deaths every year which is a serious concern because the liver is one of the largest and most vital organs in our body. (source: Gud Story) Our liver health is important because the liver cleanse, detoxes and is responsible for many other functions such as it processes nutrients from the food, produces bile, removes toxins from the body and builds protein. The liver detox is really crucial because it metabolizes many drugs, removes damaged cells and old hormones from the body. 

Doing regular exercises leaves a deep impact on your liver health as it improves blood flow of the liver, can make your liver pain better and also reduces your fatty liver diseases. Studies have shown that physically active patients are less likely to develop liver cirrhosis which is severe scarring of the liver that is caused by hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. 

Understanding Different Fatty Liver Diseases

Fatty liver disease occurs when you build up fat within your liver cells which then affect the normal functioning of your liver. It has been seen that the main causes of fatty liver is an unhealthy diet in which you eat food that is highly processed, has saturated fats and contains refined sugar.

Not only an unhealthy diet but consuming toxins like alcohol and different medications can also increase your chances of developing a fatty liver. Having a fatty liver also opens up doors for other risk factors such as non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

  • Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is observed in people who are overweight and obese. In the US alone it has been estimated that 100 million people are suffering from NAFLD.
  • As more and more people are facing obesity it has now raised the chances of non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • People who drink little to no alcohol suffer from NAFLD, but other people also develop a more severe form of this disease which is called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
  • NASH causes liver cirrhosis, liver disease and inflammation to your liver due to fat deposits. 

If you are worried whether you are suffering from fatty liver diseases or not, for that you should look out for its symptoms like if you have itchy skin, abdominal swelling, shortness of breath, red palms or jaundice. If you have these symptoms you should consult a doctor and also add a simple exercise routine in your life. 

Benefits of Exercise for Liver Health 

Though exercises improve your physical health and physique, it doesn’t mean that it is all about aerobic capacity and muscle size. People also workout because it gives them an enormous sense of well being, keeping them energetic throughout their day and makes them sleep better at night. 

And given below is the list of benefits that exercise brings on table at the time of improving your liver health:

(i) Muscle Support

One of the less known facts about exercises that you don’t know is that it can impact positively on your liver. Liver is one of the largest organs of our bodies and performs important tasks like nutrient storage but when the liver suffers due to fatty liver diseases or cirrhosis at that time these tasks are severely impacted. 


The regular exercises helps by:

  • Building and maintaining muscle mass.
  •  Muscle mass supports liver function.
  • Muscle support removes the burden from the liver which allows it to heal and recover.

(ii) Reduction in Liver Inflammation 

Regular exercise not only supports your muscles but also has some anti-inflammatory effects. The main cause for many liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis is inflammation. 

The exercises work on decreasing inflammation by improving blood flow and reducing levels of inflammatory markers. By reducing the effect of inflammation , exercise also promotes overall health to your liver. 

Top 3 Exercises for the Best Liver Health

Here is the list of top 3 exercises that not just keep your body fit but also directly impacts your liver function:

1. Moderate Cardiovascular Training 

Cardiovascular or cardio workouts increase blood flow in your body, especially in your liver. The improved circulation of blood transfers nutrients and oxygen to your liver cells and keeps it healthy. Moreover doing cardio also burns calories that helps with weight management and reduces the risk of fatty liver diseases. 

You can incorporate yourself in cardiovascular activities like : 

  • Walking
  • Dancing
  • Swimming

2. Strength Training 

Strength training is as important as cardio for improving the function of your liver. Resistance exercises like weightlifting and body weight workouts guide you to build and maintain muscle mass which supports your liver and improve metabolic processes.

You can start doing strength or resistance training by performing physical activities like push-ups, lunges, squats or deadlifts. 

3. Yoga and Pilates 

Yoga and Pilates are good for your liver because they focus on core stability. A strong core is important for supporting your spine which indirectly benefits your liver. 

It must be a shock to you that chronic stress affects our liver health negatively but by doing yoga and pilates you will see relaxation in your body and that will reduce your stress hormones. 

For a good liver try doing yoga poses like – Boat pose (Navasana) and Cobra pose (Bhujangasana). You can also do pilates exercises like hundred, roll-up and leg circle.


Yes you can have a good liver by just working out on a regular basis and also by having a healthy diet. Because you are well aware that in the end it is all about some small changes that make bigger differences. 

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